Saturday, August 7, 2010

Moving - again

We will be moving again in about three weeks. I do not like packing. However, I will be able to stay home with the kids again. (Yea!!!) Homeschooling and working full-time, while possible, is very difficult. Still, nothing tests strength like doing something you were sure was beyond your ability and being successful.
Okay, math quiz, how many boxes does it take to a homeschooler's book collection? .... Yeah, I don't know either. One of these days I am going to measure how many linear feet of book-spine I have though. :) I get my love of books from my Dad, and I just can't part with a single one. When I found out we were moving I told myself, "no more books, you have enough to move as it is." But then Goodwill had some science texts, and I had to order school books for the upcoming school year, and .... well, now I have another box to pack. ;)
Guess I'd better get back to work on that, huh?

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